
Friday, March 20, 2020

Summertime begins again...

Once again, daylight savings time is upon us and the Americans didn't tell me about it until it was too late!!

Ah well... another headache to work out showtimes for you wonderful listeners!

As always, presenters on Beaten Path will be going on air at their normal time LOCAL TO THEM, which can be confusing for listeners so hopefully this is the updated schedule of shows for the coming period of chaos:

At the time of writing, the Americans have already started their summer early, (unlike two world wars when they decided to let everyone begin without them and joined in the fun later), so the current situation is:

Hairy Trev will be on air at his usual time of 10pm UK, which will now be 6pm Eastern time. Likewise, Pixie will be pirating at her usual 1pm time slot but this is now an hour later in the states at 9am Eastern. Our Argentine listener will not be effected by this. LeHoop's show when he's on air will also appear at the usual time in UK, but 1 hour later for the Americans, at 2pm Eastern time. Yitzie will also be doing a hullaballoo on 21st March at 3pm Eastern, which will be 7pm UK and 4pm in south America.

We in the UK like to check everything works elsewhere before we change our clocks (I think on March 29th) when normality will resume as follows:

Pxie and myself will of course be on air at our usual times of 1pm and 10pm respectively which will once again become the 5 hour time difference in New York, at 8am and 5pm accordingly. LeHoop's show will now appear 1 hour later for the rest of us, at 2pm EST and 7pm UK time.

I hope this all makes sense.. I have to try to work it out from scratch everytime we do this!!!
