I would like to convey my apologies for the loss of service from Beaten Path Radio this week...
Knowing of the instability of the autodj and 24 hour stream with it's tendancy to crash during some live broadcasts, I was aware that some problems might arise during my holiday.
With this in mind, I set up and tested team viewer before I went away, and also sent the configurartion files to kissking to allow him to run the sttream in my absence. Sadly, when I got to my holiday home I was unable to access teamviewer and KK couldn't get the autodj to run on his computer.
However, you may be reassured that LeHoop will be going ahead as normal tonight, and pixie on Saturday afternoon. As I am still away I am not going to be on air this friday, but there may still be another DJ who steps up to take advantage of the free time slot to keep you entertained and you can enjoy the added bonus of an extra show from Yitzie's hullabaloo on Friday afternoon. Check the calendar for details.
I'll be back from my break at the weekend and normal service will be resumed.
Apologies once more...
Hairy Trev